International Supermarket Management Class Wraps Up Successful Week
Grocery professionals from six countries came together for the class, back to in-person learning for the first time since the pandemic. Get the highlights on the class, which was filled with group activities, speeches from industry experts, and more.
Pet Aisle Assortment & Merchandising Tips
Despite supply issues, the pet category is surging. How can independent grocers maintain a well-stocked pet aisle? Nestlé Purina shares insights, including reliable product offerings and how to prioritize shopper brand loyalty.
The Pet Photo Contest Returns!
Along with Nestlé Purina, we're celebrating our furry companions with a photo contest and chance for your shoppers to win Purina pet food for a year from their local IGA grocery store. Spread the word with your shoppers on social media!
The ABCs of the HFC Transition
How can you take control of refrigerant management while also driving process, performance, and profit improvement in advance of the 2036 deadline to phase down Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by 85%? Ratio Institute's Jonathan Tan shares immediate action steps grocers can take in this May 17 webinar.
The IGA Minute is a weekly newsletter delivering the IGA news you need. For questions, story ideas, or advertising inquiries, email Jessica Vician.
IGA Inc., 8745 W. Higgins Rd. Ste. 210, Chicago, IL 60631