The Independent Grocers Alliance has unveiled the Five Star retailers for 2023! These retailers and their teams have continued to show their resilience and independent ingenuity to thrive. See the list and learn when the spring assessment shops begin.
Spring Signage Now Available For Order
Help your shoppers make "Better Choices" with our fresh signage from the Quarterly Marketing Kit! Preview the Q2 signs and subscribe today to have your kit delivered by April 1.
Submit Your Hellmann's Big Game Display Contest Photos To Win
The Big Game is this weekend! Make your store the ultimate Game Day destination and earn a chance to win $200 for your team with this display contest. Click for details and submission rules.
Earthquake Preparedness Courses Available
While we cannot prevent earthquakes, we can reduce their impact on our teams and customers if prepared. The IGA Coca-Cola Institute offers two courses in English and Spanish that train staff on how to react when an earthquake strikes.
The IGA Minute is a weekly newsletter delivering the IGA news you need. For questions or story ideas, email Ashley Page. For advertising inquiries, contact Jessica Vician.
IGA Inc., 8745 W. Higgins Rd. Ste. 210, Chicago, IL 60631