Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
As we enter the new year, it’s a great time for a fresh start. Begin by looking at what you were proudest of in terms of health and wellbeing in 2018, and think about what you’d like to do better in the future. If eating well made your resolution list, make it happen! Here are some thought starters to make 2019 your healthiest yet.
What does “healthy” mean to you? Take a moment to think about it so you know what your end goal actually is. Make it definitive to help set SMART goals. Knowing where the start line and the finish line are will help you set a timeline and tactics to launch you to success.
Start with a plan. Writing down your goals is a great way to give yourself direction. Include a timeline and drop reminders into your calendar for a reboot/refresh/reminder as needed.
Move more. There are many fun ways to burn calories. Think about how to incorporate a few more steps throughout your day. Cooking even burns calories–so choosing to move around your kitchen versus sitting at a restaurant counts, too. Review the current recommendations for your age, talk with your doctor, and get going!
Ask questions to learn more about cooking or ingredients to expand your horizons. Have a friend or family member who is known for their cooking? Ask them to help you. It can be fun to learn more in the kitchen, whether you choose to research online, “phone a friend”, or attend cooking classes. The choice is yours.
Recipes are your partners at mealtime. If you are not as confident in the kitchen as you’d like to be, find a few recipe sources that you like. Read the directions and look over the ingredient lists to get a feel for how new meal ideas are presented. If you like what you see, try them out. Ask your friends and co-workers to share their go-to recipes with you as well. If you bump into a road block making them, you can ask them for advice next time you see them.
Transform your meals with little changes. Eating is something we do every day, so you really have hundreds of opportunities every year to try new things. From portion control to adding one piece of fruit to completely overhauling your intake, give yourself a chance to try a variety of ways to transform your eating so that it aligns with your vision for your healthiest you.
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