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Help Isom IGA recover from devasting floods
Your celebration of thanks might include recipes handed down and prepared the same way from generation to generation, or maybe your friends and family like to mix it up and potluck each year. But chances are, the feast will be comprised of dishes that are considered the Thanksgiving classics: roast turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, bread stuffing, a vegetable casserole of some sort, cranberries, and of course, a couple different types of pie for dessert.
Food trends, dietary changes, the array of fresh foods now available, and easier access to innovative recipes and preparation techniques mean we can still keep the classics but modify or add to them for current tastes.
Set the Stage with Appetizers
It’s nice to offer guests something to nibble on as the turkey finishes roasting, but no need to fill them up with cheese and crackers or heavy dips. Small dishes of seasoned and roasted nuts, sweet pickles, and gourmet olives are all you need. Youngsters will enjoy a simple bowl of black olives and whole wheat crackers. Or substitute a pumpkin-flavored hummus for the usual creamy dips that often accompany a vegetable display.
The Perfect Compliment to Your Turkey: Stuffing
Dressings and stuffings are an easy way to incorporate new taste trends. Whole wheat breads, quinoa, farro, nuts, berries, wild rice, and yes, even kale, can be incorporated in a dressing. If you don’t want to venture too far from the traditional, try the Corn Bread, Sausage, and Apple Dressing, the subtle taste of fennel may be novel to you, but the dish itself stays traditional.
Fun with Fruits & Veggies
Your IGA grocer offers a wide variety of fresh produce and many organic items. As we incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables in our daily diet, why not do the same for your Thanksgiving menu? Offer roasted Brussels sprouts or asparagus instead of the ubiquitous green bean casserole. The cleaner taste pairs well with the heavier side dishes and offers a bright spot of color on the plate. Replace the cream and marshmallow-laden version of ambrosia with our refreshing Genuine Ambrosia recipe that highlights the goodness of the fruit itself.
Pie for Thanksgiving dessert is a must-have. In addition to offering traditional pumpkin pie, consider offering a delicious cinnamon apple crisp made with a gluten-free nut topping. The added plus is little less pie dough to make and roll!
Seasoned and roasted nuts
Sweet pickles
Assorted gourmet olives
Whole wheat crackers
Roast turkey with turkey gravy
Side Dishes
Cornbread, sausage, and apple dressing
Mashed potatoes
Mashed sweet potatoes
Roasted Brussels sprouts
Cranberry sauce
Genuine ambrosia
Dinner roll
Pumpkin pie with whipped cream and apple crisp with nut-based topping
These Stories on Fall
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Chicago, IL 60631
Phone: (773) 693-4520
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