Honor Your Team on Supermarket Employee Day

Feb 11, 2021

On February 22, 2021, retailers and shoppers across the country will celebrate Supermarket Employee Day, honoring the hard-working heroes who have personified compassion and courage when communities have most needed to be encouraged.

FMI has put together this free toolkit to help retailers celebrate their supermarket employees at every level for the work they do feeding families and enriching lives, including:

  • Infographics and templates for stickers, buttons, and more
  • Key messages and talking points
  • Supermarket Employee Day logos
  • Hashtags to use on social media
  • Sample proclamation to share with your local government

As you plan your February 22 celebration, we want to hear what you have been doing throughout the past year to honor and celebrate your employees. Did you treat them lunch? Offer hazard pay? Send shout-outs on social media? Share your efforts in the form below and we'll include them in a future story about how IGA retailers are celebrating their supermarket superheroes.

Supermarket Employee Day


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