IGA Co-Locates With The NGA Show For February 2025!
The first details for The NGA Show, which will run February 23-25, 2025, have been released! IGA will again co-locate to offer education sessions on topics our retailers need. Click for details and a registration code to save on early bird tickets.
Dan-O's Seasoning Shipper Available For Holiday Basket-Boosting
This holiday season, entice shoppers with the irresistible flavors of Dan-O's seasoning! Order Dan-O's eye-catching 72-count shipper that comes with their top selling spices. Plus, access recipe cards to further engage shoppers online and in store.
Featured Course: How Employee Engagement Works
The Retail Learning Institute’s series on engagement discusses objectives for hiring and corporate culture creation, and concludes with action items to start fostering engagement in your own business.
NGA's September Advocacy Mission: Rising Grocery Prices
NGA is asking members to spread the word on the true causes of higher grocery prices on social media. Click for messaging and an infographic to share.